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In Kuwait, there are no taxes on salaries or goods

The Ministry of Finance has firmly denied recent rumors about the introduction of various taxes on salaries, goods, tickets, non-essential services, and entertainment.

In a press release, the Ministry stated that these claims are baseless. It also emphasized its ongoing efforts to promote tax education in schools. This initiative, which has been active since 2005, is coordinated with the Ministry of Education to improve tax and financial literacy among middle and high school students. The program is managed by the Tax Media Department within the Tax Administration and is part of a larger partnership with government institutions.

Additionally, the Ministry addressed concerns regarding the organizational structure of the Tax Administration that have been circulating on social media. It confirmed that the structure is based on the approved Administrative Resolution No. 404 of 2003 and stated that the administration applies tax laws consistently to both foreign and Kuwaiti companies subject to these regulations.

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