On Friday, a Keralite family tragically lost their lives in a fire that broke out in their flat in Abbasiya. The victims were Mathews Mulackal, his wife Lini Abraham, and their two children, all from Neerattupuram in Alappuzha, Kerala. The family had just returned to Kuwait from a vacation in Kerala, arriving around 4 PM. The fire, caused by a short circuit in the air conditioner, erupted in their second-floor flat around 8 PM, leading to their suffocation.
Mathews Mulackal worked at Reuters, while Lini was a staff nurse at Adan Hospital. Their children attended Bhavans School in Kuwait.
This incident follows another fire last month that claimed the lives of 45 Indians in a labor accommodation in Mangaf, Kuwait.
The General Fire Force announced on their ‘X’ platform account that their teams had successfully controlled the blaze in the apartment building, confirming the deaths and handing over the site for further investigation. Major General Khaled Fahd, the acting head of the General Fire Force, was present at the scene.
On Thursday, the Kuwaiti Fire Force (KFF) had issued a safety warning, urging citizens and residents to follow fire prevention guidelines as temperatures soared above 50 degrees Celsius. KFF Director Brigadier Mohammad Al-Ghareeb emphasized the importance of having and knowing how to use fire prevention equipment, such as fire blankets, smoke and gas detectors, and fire extinguishers. He highlighted that electrical faults from overloaded circuits are a major cause of fires and advised shutting off unnecessary devices. Al-Ghareeb also warned about the dangers of gas stoves and stressed the importance of regular vehicle and elevator maintenance to prevent such tragedies.
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