A Directive for Automated Prescriptions is Released by MoH.

A directive for automated prescriptions is released by MoH.A directive regarding the automatic linking of prescription data for prescribed medications dispensed by private sector pharmacies has been issued by Health Minister Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadhi.

First Article

In collaboration with the assistant undersecretaries for digital health affairs and drug and food control affairs, an electronic system will be established for the health ministry. This system will make it easier to link all prescription information for medications and preparations that are prescribed and filled by pharmacies in the private sector.

Section Two

The department in charge of medicines inspection is responsible for keeping an eye on and guaranteeing the consistency of prescription registrations made by pharmacies in the private sector in the electronic system.

Section Three

All private sector pharmacies that hold a license to deal in prescription drugs and control their distribution must register using the electronic system and adhere to the guidelines provided. In the electronic system, give each private pharmacy a unique account. All prescription data uploaded to the pharmacy’s account is jointly the responsibility of the pharmacist in charge of the pharmacy and the license holder for pharmacies.

The supervising pharmacist needs to:

(A) Before distributing medication to a patient, make sure that the prescription data for prescribed drugs and preparations satisfies all requirements specified in the prescriptions for these substances and the protocols for their distribution, in compliance with ministerial decisions.

(B) Create an account and upload all prescriptions for the drugs and preparations that the pharmacy dispenses to the computerized

(C) Confirm that the doctors listed in the Ministry’s electronic system are the ones who wrote the prescriptions that the pharmacy has received. If a prescription doesn’t fit the requirements, it can’t be filled.

(D) After dispensing, download the prescription to the computerized system to make sure it is clear. It is necessary to make a photocopy in PDF format, attach the pharmacy’s and the pharmacist’s seals to it, and keep it in the pharmacy with the original copy. This procedure should be finished on the same day as the prescription is dispensed, and the data should correspond with the entries in the pharmacy’s register of prescribed medications and preparations.

Section Four

Legal responsibility for all prescription data uploaded to the pharmacy’s account in the electronic system rests with the pharmacy license holder and the pharmacist who fills the prescription.

Section Five

In the event that these pharmacies violate the terms specified in this resolution, no new licenses, permits, or approvals will be granted.

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