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Amnesty campaign nearing completion

Colonel Mohammad Al-Dousari, Assistant Director General of Jahra Residency Department, stated that Kuwait will be free of Residency Law violators by June 17. He warned that harsh penalties will be imposed on those who shelter violators. Intensive nationwide campaigns will start after the grace period, during which violators can legalize their status by paying a fine or leaving the country. Violators caught after the grace period will face legal action and be banned from returning to Kuwait. However, those who leave during the grace period can return on a new visa.

Al-Dousari urged all violators to use the grace period to correct their status. Residency Affairs departments in Farwaniya and Mubarak Al-Kabeer handle violators with valid passports in the evening to complete their transactions. He also mentioned that many employees and ample space, especially for the elderly and sick, are available to facilitate the process.

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