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Ethiopian domestic workers should be hired soon

Ethiopian domestic workers should be hired soon.According to Al-Jarida daily, the chairman of the Kuwait Union of Domestic Labor Offices (KUDLO), Khalid Al-Dakhnan, stated that the sub-agreement derived from the main agreement on regulating the recruitment of Ethiopian domestic workers to Kuwait was signed by the union’s delegation currently in Ethiopia. The recruitment of Ethiopian domestic workers to Kuwait had previously been suspended due to a decision made by the Ethiopian Ministry of Labor. Al-Dakhnan verified that a deal had been made regarding the employee’s pay, which is KD90, along with all the benefits listed in Kuwaiti law number 68/2015, such as leave days and indemnity.

He anticipates the arrival of Ethiopian domestic workers shortly, particularly in light of the recent ruling that permits foreigners to be granted visas. He said that the subagreement, once signed, will be forwarded to the Ethiopian Embassy in Kuwait, where the labor attaché will handle the appropriate action. He said that hiring domestic help will happen online, following the completion of the job order. He said that special codes will be provided to the domestic labor offices so they can communicate with the Ethiopian Ministry of Labor directly.

However, according to Abdulaziz Al-Ali, the union’s managing director and consultant, the agreement lays out rules and requirements, such as the requirement that the employees finish a 21-day training program overseen by the Ethiopian Ministry of Labor while they are still in their home country. He disclosed that any employee displaying violent or aggressive conduct will be turned away prior to their arrival in Kuwait. He emphasized that the employment of Ethiopians will help alleviate the labor shortage in the country brought on by the prohibition on workers from the Philippines. He hopes that disagreements will be resolved soon so that he can start hiring workers from the Philippines again.

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