Untitled design - 2024-03-16T191518.438

Kuwait cancels citizenship of 26 people

Decrees No. 41/2024 and 42/2024 have been issued to revoke Kuwaiti citizenship from six individuals. One decree specifically targets those who obtained citizenship through dependency. This decision followed a proposal by the Deputy Prime Minister and Acting Minister of Interior, approved by the Council of Ministers.

Additionally, Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Al-Sabah issued two decisions to withdraw citizenship certificates from 20 others, including those obtained through dependency. Reasons for revocation include fraudulent acquisition or false statements.

Kuwaiti citizenship may also be withdrawn from those convicted of crimes against honor or trust. Any citizenship obtained unlawfully through fraud or false statements will be revoked. The Council of Ministers, upon the Interior Minister’s recommendation, has authority in these cases.

A hotline has been set up by the Ministry of Interior to report nationality and passport-related crimes. Reporting such crimes is mandatory under Law No. 17/1960 to combat crime, corruption, and preserve national identity and public interest.

Article 14 of Law No. 17/1960 requires immediate reporting of crimes to authorities. Failure to report is punishable. All decisions are in line with the Constitution, laws, and security measures to safeguard public interest.

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