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Maousherji is Appointed Minister by Amir.

Maousherji is appointed minister by Amir.Sharida Al-Maousherji was appointed as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs on Sunday by an Amiri decree. Maousherji rejoins the Cabinet following a twelve-year hiatus. Sunday at Seif Palace, HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah welcomed HH the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, who introduced Maousherji as the new minister. In front of HH the Amir, Maousherji took the constitutional oath in front of high ranking officials.

The government still needs one more portfolio for the interior ministry, which is currently run by Defense Minister Sheikh Fahad Al-Yousuf Al-Sabah.Maousherji increases the number of Cabinet ministers to 15, including HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah. Maousherji was appointed to his first Cabinet position in 2007 after serving as the National Assembly’s secretary general for 14 years. His tenure in the Cabinet continued until 2012.

According to an order last week, the Assembly will meet in special session on Monday to enable HH the Prime Minister to take the oath to become the Deputy Amir while HH the Amir, Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, is overseas.

As per Kuwaiti legislation, the prime minister will essentially assume the responsibilities of the head of state upon assuming office; however, he is not permitted to lead the government or participate in National Assembly or Cabinet sessions. During this time, the defense minister served as acting prime minister. In compliance with Kuwaiti law, members of the new Cabinet will also take the oath to become members of parliament during the Assembly meeting.- AT

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