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PM Offers a Helping Hand

Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, the Prime Minister of Kuwait, chaired his Cabinet’s first meeting on Thursday and visited the National Assembly, emphasizing the value of working together with the legislature to realize the goals of the Kuwaiti people. The new prime minister said, in a statement accepted by Speaker Ahmad Al-Saadoun, that the government extends its cooperation to the National Assembly on the basis of constitutional principles.

In addition, he emphasized that the Assembly and the government must work together to approve laws that advance national interests in the face of regional and global difficulties. HH According to Sheikh Dr. Mohammad, reorganizing the domestic economy and addressing economic issues will be the top priorities of his government’s revised laws and policies.

On Wednesday, the Harvard-educated prime minister appointed his first Cabinet, which was primarily composed of technocrats and featured up to 11 new members, including himself. While praising the Cabinet, MP Khaled Al-Otaibi maintained that it must work with the Assembly to approve several bills that were discussed with the previous administration.

In a related development, the National Assembly on Thursday unanimously chose MP Hamad Al-Matar to serve as the parliamentary caucus’ deputy secretary, Mohammad Al-Mahan to serve as its secretary, and Hamad Al-Obaid to serve as treasurer. In its second session of the 17th legislative term, the parliamentary caucus held its first annual general assembly meeting and declared this. Additionally, theNational Assembly duly elected MPs Hani Shams and Fahad bin Jame as complementing members of the

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