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The Futility of Disciplining Students

Expelling irresponsible students as a form of punishment does not appear to be effective, as argued by Hoor Al-Mutairi, a high-achieving high school student, in an interview with Kuwait Times. Al-Mutairi stated that this punitive measure fails to address the underlying causes of such students’ behaviors.

Recognizing the importance of hearing students’ perspectives and understanding the challenges they face, Kuwait Times sought input from high school students to shed light on issues hindering their progress. Among these challenges is the negative learning environment perpetuated by peers, which persists due to ineffective punishment methods employed by schools.

“It is evident that these students may already lack interest in attending school and engaging in learning. For them, expulsion serves as a relief from adhering to school rules and focusing on education. In fact, some take pride in it,” explained Mutairi.

This sentiment was echoed by Al Kawther Ghloum, another high-achieving high school student, who emphasized that expulsion may further alienate students and fuel rebellion. Ghloum proposed alternative approaches, suggesting that schools should prioritize mental and psychological support for students and teachers instead of relying solely on punitive measures.

“Establishing a dedicated mental healthcare department in schools can address many educational challenges, as some students may not be inherently irresponsible but simply require assistance to unlock their potential in life. Once they discover it, they will take school more seriously and respect their peers’ right to receive a proper education,” added Al Kawther, underscoring the significance of integrating mental healthcare services into schools to positively impact student behavior and educational experiences.

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