
A Crafty Scammer Embezzles the Foreigner of all His Funds

An foreigner was the victim of a fresh scam yesterday, in spite of several alerts from the Ministry of Interior, national banks, and media outlets warning about fraudulent schemes carried out by people acting as security officials and local bank representatives. After he received a call from a mobile number that seemed as a local “Video Call,” an astounding 3,700 dinars were taken from his bank account illegally, according to Al-Anba daily. The person on the other end of the call was a crafty con artist posing as a security guard, who tricked the foreigner into speaking with a fake bank official. The victim was tricked into believing he had won anything in a bank draw by this fake bank representative.

The victim was forced to reveal personal bank card information, including his password and verification code, in order to claim his fictitious winnings of 1,000 dinars. Upon the victim’s compliance with these requirements, the fraudster promptly removed 3,700 dinars from his account, therefore wiping off the whole balance. A case has been filed at the Sabah Al-Salem police station in reaction to this heinous conduct, classifying the incident as a felony under the heading of “Forgery in a Bank Document.” The perpetrator’s phone number, which was used to get in touch with the victim, is recorded as evidence in the case file.

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