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After 10,000 miles and 352 days, a man from the UK achieves his goal of running the entire length of Africa

Ras Angela- Tunisia, on April 8, British runner Russ Cook reached the northernmost point of Africa, completing his quest to run the length of the continent. Despite feeling sore and exhausted, Cook was greeted by dozens of supporters cheering him on as he arrived at the rocky outcrop beside the Mediterranean Sea.

During his journey, the 27-year-old athlete from Worthing, England, covered over 16,000 kilometers (10,000 miles) across 16 countries in 352 days. Cook, also known as Hardest Geezer on social media, embarked on his journey from Cape Agulhas in South Africa on April 22, 2023, with the goal of running the equivalent of more than a marathon every day.

Throughout his epic run, Cook faced numerous challenges, including theft, injury, and visa problems. Despite these setbacks, his determination remained unwavering. Cook’s journey raised over 690,000 pounds ($870,000) for the Running Charity, which supports homeless young people, and Sandblast, a charity aiding displaced individuals from Western Sahara.

Reflecting on his accomplishment, Cook expressed gratitude for the support he received and acknowledged the sacrifices he made, including being away from his family and girlfriend for an extended period. Despite the physical toll on his body, Cook remained resilient, looking forward to celebrating his achievement with a beach party and live music.

“We’re going to have strawberry daiquiris on the beach tonight,” Cook exclaimed. “It’s going to be unreal.

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