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As the Oman toll climbs to 18, severe flooding strikes Dubai

As the Oman toll climbs to 18, severe flooding strikes Dubai.DUBAI: As torrential rains battered the city, resulting in extensive flooding, Dubai’s main international airport started to divert all incoming flights on Tuesday. The busiest airport in the world for international travel had earlier temporarily suspended operations due to the storm’s chaos, despite expecting over 100 flights on Tuesday night.

The deluge of rain that caused floods in Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, as well as leaving eighteen people dead in Oman on Sunday and Monday, has paralyzed Dubai, the financial hub of the Middle East. A representative for Dubai Airports stated, “Dubai International is temporarily diverting inbound flights scheduled to arrive this evening… until the inclement situation improves. This is due to the continued exceptional weather event currently being experienced in the UAE.

The spokesperson said that departures will proceed, but she had earlier issued a warning that there has been significant flooding on the nearby roads and advised travelers to take public transportation. Prior to their restart, airport operations were halted for twenty-five minutes. Social media users shared unverified photos of aircraft taxiing over an apron that was flooded with standing water.

The UAE, a desert nation more recognized for its dry climate and scorching summers, was reeling from the storm as similar scenes played out throughout Dubai and other parts of the country. According to pictures shared on social media, the iconic malls Dubai Mall and Mall of the Emirates both experienced flooding, and at least one Dubai Metro station had water up to the ankles. There was severe flooding on the roads and in residential areas, and many people complained about leaks coming from their windows, doors, and roofs.

The UAE, a desert nation more recognized for its dry climate and scorching summers, was reeling from the storm as similar scenes played out throughout Dubai and other parts of the country. According to pictures shared on social media, the iconic malls Dubai Mall and Mall of the Emirates both experienced flooding, and at least one Dubai Metro station had water up to the ankles. There was severe flooding on the roads and in residential areas, and many people complained about leaks coming from their windows, doors, and roofs. More than 80 mm of rain fell in some inland areas of the United Arab Emirates in the 24 hours leading up to 8:00 am, almost the yearly average of about 100 mm. “Residents should take all necessary precautions… and avoid areas where flooding and water buildup occur,” the weather board advised.

The storms passed over Oman, causing deadly floods and leaving dozens of people stranded before making landfall in the UAE, Bahrain, and parts of Qatar. Two persons are still missing and there are now 18 fatalities, according to emergency officials who spoke with the official Oman News Agency on Tuesday. The body of a child was found. The news agency said on Sunday that nine schoolchildren and three adults perished when their cars were carried away by flash floods.-AFP



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