
Beginning on February 11, Teachers will Follow a New Fingerprint Attendance Procedure

The Ministry of Education’s acting Assistant Undersecretary for Public Education, Hessa Al-Mutawa, has announced the introduction of a new fingerprint-based system for tracking teachers’ attendance and dismissals. The project is scheduled to launch on Sunday, the 11th of this current month.

Al-Mutawa stressed the need of supporting the Information Systems Department’s efforts to register fingerprints for all personnel in departments and schools in a circular sent to the directors of educational and religious education districts. The purpose of this preventive action is to take care of any possible technical problems that can occur throughout the installation process.

By guaranteeing precise records of teacher attendance and dismissal, the implementation of the fingerprint attendance system marks a substantial step towards improving accountability and efficiency within the education sector. This program is in line with the Ministry’s objective to modernize administrative procedures and encourage openness in all public schools across the country.

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