37-year-old Indian homemaker Zahra was the victim of cyber fraud, which led to the KD 17,750 being taken out of her bank account. In a matter of minutes, eighteen transactions involved the theft of cash, completely depleting her resources. Zahra described the situation, looking shocked and incredulous. Claiming to be a bank employee, a woman called her from a local Kuwaiti number and asked for the details of her personal bank account, including her card number.
Zahra, an Indian homemaker of 37 years old, lost KD 17,750 from her bank account as a result of cyber theft. Within minutes, eighteen separate cash theft transactions had fully exhausted her funds. With a horrified and bewildered expression, Zahra explained the circumstances. A woman called her from a local Kuwaiti number, claiming to be a bank employee, and requested for the details of her personal bank account, including her card number.
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