
“Egyptian loses savings in online scam

In a shocking incident, an Egyptian man lost 2,750 dinars in a fraudulent online transaction while trying to pay his phone bill, according to Al-Rai daily. Sayed Abdel Hakim, 30, recounted his experience, saying, ‘I was about to pay my 50-dinar phone bill and searched on Google. I found a website that looked like my service provider’s official site, with the logo and colors, so I thought it was real.’

Hakim entered his debit card details and the OTP sent to his phone. But instead of paying the bill, he saw a notification confirming the withdrawal of his entire balance. ‘I had saved up for a summer trip with my wife and son, whom I haven’t seen for two years. It’s heartbreaking to lose everything,’ he said. Hakim immediately contacted his bank to report the incident and his account was suspended. He warned others to avoid making transactions on unverified websites and to use authorized platforms to prevent similar incidents.

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