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Enforcement against Hoarding, Market Prices Under Close Surveillance

A team of inspectors from the Ahmadi Emergency Department, part of the Commercial Control and Consumer Protection Sector at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, recently checked various central markets and shops in Ahmadi Governorate. They were keeping an eye on the prices of essential items, especially those in high demand during Ramadan, as reported by Al-Anba daily.

Khaled Al-Muhailbi, the leader of the Ahmadi Emergency Team, told the daily that their inspection uncovered 12 violations of price controls. He mentioned that these market checks are part of the ministry’s plan to step up such efforts, particularly during Ramadan.

Al-Muhailbi emphasized that their team was monitoring markets to prevent commercial fraud, ensure food items weren’t expired, and verify that special offers were legitimate. They also checked warehouses to prevent unjustified price increases due to hoarding. If violations were found during their inspections, they would prepare reports for arrests and refer the cases to the relevant authorities in the ministry for legal action.

He stressed the importance of holding violators accountable to protect consumers. He advised consumers to report any instances of fraud or violations by visiting nearby centers affiliated with the Commercial Control and Consumer Protection Sector, calling the hotline number 135, sending complaints via WhatsApp at 55135135, or using the electronic application called ‘Easy.’

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