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Kuwait Amir and Crown Prince congratulate Saudi King on successful Hajj

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah sent a congratulatory message to King Salman of Saudi Arabia on the successful Hajj season. He praised Saudi leadership for their efforts in facilitating the pilgrimage for millions, using advanced technology and services. His Highness also commended Prince Khaled Al-Faisal and Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud for their roles in the Hajj organization.

The Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled and the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah also sent similar messages of congratulations and praised Saudi efforts.

Kuwait’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Sabah Nasser, praised the Kuwaiti Hajj delegation for their service to pilgrims and congratulated Saudi leaders on the successful Hajj and Eid Al-Adha.

Ahmed Al-Duwaihi of the Kuwaiti Hajj Caravan Owners Union announced the start of 40 return flights for pilgrims, thanking Saudi Arabia for their excellent organization and hospitality.

Meanwhile, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation confirmed the return flights schedule, with Flynas Airlines starting on Wednesday and Saudia Airlines concluding on Friday. Around 8,000 pilgrims will return on these flights.

Pilgrims continued performing the stoning rites in Mina and the final circumambulation at the Holy Kaaba. Those in a hurry completed their rituals on Tuesday, while others continued on Wednesday, following the Sunnah guidelines for the stoning rites and final Kaaba visit.

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