kuwait city

Kuwait is the third best city to live in the region

Kuwait has been ranked as the third-best Gulf and Arab city to live in for 2024 by the Economist Intelligence Unit, securing the 93rd position globally. Abu Dhabi topped the Gulf and Arab rankings, placing 76th globally, followed by Dubai at 78th. Doha and Manama were ranked 101st and 106th globally, respectively.

The price of Kuwaiti oil increased by 80 cents to $87.94 per barrel. The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Global Liveability Index 2024 noted improvements in UAE cities due to investments in health and education, with Abu Dhabi and Dubai rising in rankings. Saudi cities are also investing in infrastructure to attract tourists and diversify the economy.

The World Bank predicts regional economic growth will strengthen to 2.8% in 2024 and 4.7% in 2025. Vienna remains the world’s most liveable city, followed by Copenhagen and Zurich, while Damascus is the least liveable.

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