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Kuwait’s Decision Regarding Visit Visas for Family Visits is Controversial

Excitement and praise gave way to regret and criticism when the Ministry of Interior decided to start issuing visit visas again under new restrictions, including family, commercial, and tourist visas. Although it was expected that the decision would increase commercial activity, it was quickly discovered that the restrictions placed on it greatly restricted its efficacy and accessibility.

According to a letter that Al-Seyassah was able to get from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, foreign nationals traveling to Kuwait with their families are only permitted to utilize Kuwait Airways or Jazeera Airways, so limiting their options to only two carriers. This restriction provoked strong opposition and outcry on social media since it was thought to be in odds with the nation’s open skies policy.

Opponents contend that restricting visitors with visit visas to using just Kuwait Airways, the official airline, could result in market monopolization and exploitation. Both inhabitants and expatriates have expressed concerns about the detrimental effects, mainly related to the few airline alternatives and possible price increases, especially during the busiest travel times. Furthermore, it was alleged that the move resulted in huge price rises of up to 100%, especially for popular travel destinations like Cairo, Dubai, and Indian hubs.

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