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Local Fish Prices Surge at Sharq Auction; Imported Varieties Differ

The recent fish market auctions in Sharq concluded with local fish prices ranging from KD 5 to KD 150 per ten kilograms, while imported fish baskets were priced between KD 5 and KD 95. Faisal Al-Ansari, Director of the Commercial Control Department, stated that, following instructions from Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Ziad Al-Najem, he and a team, including Head of the East Center Yousef Al-Fanini and several inspectors, attended the auction.

Their task was to oversee compliance with fish auction regulations and ensure adherence to the ministry’s guidelines. Prices for Kuwaiti Zubaidi fish, favored by both citizens and residents, varied from KD 30 to KD 150. A basket of Umm Naira shrimp was priced between KD 21 and KD 60. Other prices included KD 13 to KD 21 for Shahamiya shrimp, KD 22 to KD 35 for Hamour fish, KD 10 to KD 32 for Sheem fish, KD 16 to KD 35 for Sea Bream fish, and KD 25 to KD 36 for Nuwaibi fish.

For imported fish, auction prices ranged from KD 40 to KD 95 for Zubaidi cod and KD 14 to KD 38 for Hamour cod. Jumbo shrimp baskets were priced between KD 65 and KD 73, Umm Naira shrimp baskets from KD 40 to KD 55, and Shahamiya shrimp baskets from KD 15 to KD 21. Al-Ansari confirmed that the Commercial Control Department will maintain its inspection efforts to ensure compliance with Ministry of Commerce and Industry regulations and to address any instances of price manipulation or non-compliance.

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