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Ministry Closes Office and Stops Providing Certifications for Unapproved Trainingstry Closes Office and stops providing certifications for unapproved training

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has confiscated the location of an office that was discovered to be operating without the required licenses as part of a recent crackdown on unauthorized business operations. The government took action after seeing an advertisement for a two-year training program that offered financial reward in exchange for participation.

The advertisement stated that following completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate with the Ministry of Commerce insignia, adding to its credibility. But after some research, it turned out that the office wasn’t using a valid business license.

In addition, it was found that the stated training program did not comply with the Private Training Department of the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training’s license requirements. Any certificates that the office issued were therefore seen as unlawful and unacknowledged.

The office has been shuttered in reaction to these findings, and legal action is being taken to correct the infraction. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry is still on the lookout for instances where companies deceive customers and makes sure that license criteria are met.

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