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MoI Strengthens Security While Remanding an IS Trio

MoI strengthens security while remanding an IS trioThree Tunisians were detained for an additional two weeks on Sunday by a judge. They were allegedly part of a cell within the Islamic State terrorist organization, which was planning suicide attacks against Shiite holy sites. The three men claimed in court that they had come to Kuwait to work for a delivery company, and they refuted all of the allegations.

The Islamic State cell was busted, according to Kuwait’s secret service, which also revealed that the three were preparing attacks on Shiite mosques. On Saturday, the public prosecutor granted their request to be detained for 21 days while they await a trial and additional investigation. It claimed that they had joined a banned organization, were planning terrorist attacks against Shiite holy sites within the nation, and were monitoring several of these mosques. In a statement on Saturday, the public prosecution also said that it had ordered the detention of two Kuwaitis on the grounds that they had joined the Islamic State group. Not a single cell connects the two.

On the other hand, Lt Gen Sheikh Salem Al-Nawaf Al-Sabah, the Undersecretary of the Acting Interior Ministry, reaffirmed on Sunday the importance of handling all situations and taking all necessary action to confront any violations against anyone who dared to meddle with the safety, security, or stability of the nation. This was said in a press release from the ministry following Sheikh Salem’s inspection tour of Um Sedeira’s northern border center.

Sheikh Salem stressed the need for ministry employees stationed at the nation’s northern and southern borders to always be at the highest levels of readiness, alertness, and readiness. He expressed his gratitude and regards to Sheikh Fahad Al-Yousuf Al-Sabah, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, and the Acting Minister of Interior for their outstanding work and tireless efforts, which they put forth day and night to maintain the nation’s security and the safety of its borders.

Sheikh Salem clarified that the ministry of interior staff, who have devoted their lives to serving Kuwait, are not surprised by this role, indicating that the border security sector is the watchful eye over the country’s security. He expressed pride and gratitude and called for the continuation of work and the exertion of more effort and cooperation to complete all tasks with precision and mastery. He praised the spirit of joint work of all those working at the border crossings as well as the supervisory role played by the ministry’s affiliates at all sites and in various specialties.

Brig Faisal Al-Subaei, the Director of the Northern Borders, gave Sheikh Salem a thorough rundown of the northern borders’ security system during the tour. He also went over the duties and operations of the center, the administrative and technical equipment there, the security system, and the readiness of the security force.

In order to maintain a smooth flow of traffic, Sheikh Salem earlier oversaw the widespread deployment of traffic patrols on all major and secondary roads as well as intersections during the morning hours. She also called for the launch of daily traffic campaigns and was stern in confronting any inappropriate behavior. She also monitored recklessness and increased awareness campaigns to improve security and traffic culture. – Organizations

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