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MOI Warns People not to Fall for Phony Websites that Demand Money

A warning advisory has been released by the Ministry of Interior, asking people to exercise caution when visiting a phony website that purports to be the ministry. The Ministry verified in a formal statement that the fraudulent website, run by malevolent operators, is a front for a scheme designed to extract money from gullible people.

The bogus website has been sending communications to certain individuals, according to the Ministry’s statement, stating erroneously that access to sexual content requires payment of 450 dinars. The texts state that the person would be arrested and reported to the court if they do not pay the supposed fee, which is unfairly set at 450 dinars. In addition, the false communications describe harsh penalties—two years in prison and a fine of more than 1180 dinars—that are allegedly associated with the offense that was committed.

In addition to cautioning people against falling for this scam, the Ministry of Interior highlights how vital it is to ignore such bogus solicitations. In order to find and capture the people responsible for the fraudulent website, authorities are aggressively looking into the situation. As a result, they are asking the public to report any suspicious internet activity linked to this problem.


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