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A New Regulation to Raise Private School Rental Costs is Being Prepared by the Ministry of Education

A new policy that would modify private school leasing costs and assess the benefits of using empty classrooms, playgrounds, and cafeterias is now being finalized by the Ministry of Education. Sources with knowledge of the situation claim that these actions are a component of continuous initiatives to maximize resource distribution in the educational field.

An educational source told Al-Rai, speaking under anonymity, that the draft regulations are being carefully reviewed. They will be submitted for final approval to Dr. Adel Al-Adwani, Minister of Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research, when they have been authorized.

The source highlighted certain important features of the rule, pointing out that in some circumstances, leasing payments might total up to 300,000 dinars per school each year. Furthermore, 45 government schools that serve as locations for private educational institutions under temporary administrative licenses are currently under the ministry of education’s supervision. These licenses are subject to periodic renewal in accordance with the ministry’s changing requirements.

According to the source, private schools use buildings in four different ways:

Buildings held by license holders are used by private schools.
Private schools rent space from outside parties like people or businesses.
Under a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) lease contract model, private schools lease buildings from the Ministry of Finance as a portion of public state property, with income collected through the Ministry of Finance.

Government school buildings that are no longer in use are being repurposed by private schools, with permission granted through temporary use permits for instructional uses in line with their original purpose. The Ministry of Education’s revenue sources incorporate the related utilization fees.

The Ministry of Education is making a concentrated effort with these regulations to simplify the administration of educational resources and guarantee fair access to facilities for both public and private educational establishments. The suggested modifications are meant to provide a more effective and long-lasting framework for managing the nation’s educational infrastructure.

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