An Expat was Robbed at Knifepoint of KD 4,000

Following an incident that was reported to the Al-Ahmadi police station on Sunday, February 18, 2024 by an expatriate, the Ministry of Interior has opened an investigation. According to Al-Anba newspaper, the victim described how they were robbed violently at knifepoint and how they lost 4,000 dinars in front of an Al-Ahmadi petrol station. The foreign national said that he had just taken out 4,000 dinars from a national bank, which was meant to pay employee salaries. Not long after he left the bank’s grounds, he was stopped by someone in a white four-wheel-drive car. With a knife in hand, this attacker forced the victim to give up the money that was taken out.

There are rumors that someone inside the bank may have alerted the criminal about the victim’s significant wealth, making him a prime candidate for theft. Authorities have officially announced that a comprehensive investigation has been launched with the goal of verifying the accuracy of the victim’s story and obtaining more information about the attacker and the car that was used in the crime. The event is officially listed as an act of forced robbery.

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