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In just one week, there were 1,770 traffic accidents and 20,352 violations recorded, with 14 minors caught driving

The Ministry of Interior’s General Traffic Department reported dealing with 1,770 traffic accidents between March 15 and 22. Out of these, 276 accidents resulted in injuries, while 1,494 did not. The operations, overseen by Assistant Undersecretary for Traffic Affairs Major General Yousef Al-Khadda, led to 55 individuals being referred to traffic police for serious violations. They were cited and released. Additionally, 14 minors were apprehended for driving without a license and were referred to Juvenile Prosecution. Law enforcement also arrested 22 wanted individuals, forwarding them to relevant authorities. Moreover, 20,352 citations were issued for various traffic violations, with 138 vehicles and bicycles impounded, including those for non-compliance with safety regulations.

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