In Support of the “On One Heart” Campaign, MoI Releases Eight Traffic Tips for Student Safety

As part of the “On One Heart” campaign, the Ministry of Interior has produced a set of eight thorough traffic instructions in an attempt to improve student safety. Both parents and drivers must abide by these rules, which are designed to create a safe atmosphere surrounding schools.

The Ministry’s principal directives are as follows:

Seat Belt Safety: While in the car, be sure that everyone, including the students, is firmly buckled up in their seat belts.
Reduced Speed Zones: To lessen the chance of an accident, drive more slowly and cautiously close to schools.

Child Safety Checks: To lower the chance of an accident, thoroughly inspect the area around the car before you get behind the wheel to make sure no kids are nearby.
Safe Following gap: To enable quick responses and avoid collisions, keep a safe gap between your car and the one in front.
Unhindered Traffic Flow: Keep the area surrounding schools clear of obstructions to allow for a safe, orderly flow of traffic for all users.

Appropriate Drop-off and Boarding Points: To ensure efficiency and safety, pick locations close to schools where students can get off and get on vehicles.

The backseat rule applies to young children as well: youngsters under ten years old should always ride in the back seat of the car for added safety.
Make Use of Navigation Apps Use map programs to find less-traveled routes, which will ease traffic and improve road safety overall.
These rules, which represent the Ministry’s dedication to protecting students during their everyday commute, are essential parts of the “On One Heart” campaign. Through the integration of these principles into their everyday routines, drivers play a part in fostering a safe and peaceful environment surrounding educational facilities. These recommendations serve as a foundation for accomplishing the Ministry’s emphasis on the significance of collective responsibility in promoting a culture of safety on the roads.


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