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Philippines and Kuwait Investigate Settlement for Labor Shelter Issue

The two countries are preparing for virtual discussions via the “Zoom” application in response to the ongoing situation involving the adherence of Filipino workers to labor shelters established by their embassy in Kuwait – a move deemed unlawful by Kuwait. According to well-informed sources, the goal of these talks is to reach a resolution, possibly by going over the specifics of the bilateral memorandum of understanding that Kuwait and the Philippines have.

Incorporating provisions pertaining to the rights of Filipino laborers is the suggested remedy, which essentially removes the Manila Embassy’s rationale for the establishment of shelters. In an interview with Al-Jarida, Abdulaziz Al-Ali, advisor to the Kuwaiti Union for Domestic Workers Recruitment Office Owners, disclosed that the Union’s team had discussions with representatives from the Philippines.

Al-Ali claims that in order to streamline the hiring procedure, the Philippine Minister of Migrant Forces concentrated on completing the Memorandum of Understanding between the two nations. Al-Ali emphasized how urgent it is to find a quick solution to this problem, especially because Ramadan is soon.

Based on an invitation, the Kuwaiti Union visited the Ministry of Migrant Labor in the EDSA area of the Philippines and met with the Acting Minister of Migrant Forces as well as the Philippine Minister. They gave updates on the negotiations and bilateral conversations between representatives of the two nations about the restart of the hiring procedure for domestic workers.

Al-Ali praised the constructive and productive character of these sessions and emphasized the collaboration between the federations of Kuwait and the Philippines. The Minister expressed confidence in arriving at the best possible solution for the hiring process and praised the work of the Public Authority for Manpower and the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry.

Al-Ali underlined the importance of Filipino labor, pointing out that families in Kuwait and other countries like them because of things like their good education, familiarity with local customs, and ease of communication. Streamlining the hiring process was the visit’s main objective, especially with Ramadan quickly approaching.

The strong ties between the two nations and the expectation of coordinated efforts leading to the signing of a memorandum of understanding soon were highlighted as the conference came to a close. This memorandum seeks to end the difficulties both countries are now facing in this vital area by streamlining the recruitment processes.

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