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Kuwait Bans the Sale of Water Pistols, Foam Sprayers, and Balloons; Violators Face Criminal Penalties

According to Al-Qabas daily, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) plans to forbid the selling and distribution of “balloons,” “water pistols,” and “foam sprayers” in any kind of commercial setting in Kuwait. According to the Al-Qabas daily, this prohibition will apply to cooperative societies, supermarkets, and retail establishments. Violators will face severe consequences, such as the closing of their point of sale and possible legal action. As per well-informed sources, the ministry’s expected decision will impose the restriction for a specific duration, which includes February. This response comes in response to multiple complaints about the inappropriate usage of water sprayers, pistols, and balloons over the national holiday season.

According to other sources, the Ministry of Commerce has decided to forbid the sale of water pistols and balloons based on relevant data, which is as follows: â–  The significant annual waste of water, particularly on February 25 and 26.
â–  There is a rise in vehicle accidents and property damage due to the balloon and water sprinkler phenomena.

â–  A significant number of face and eye injuries are reported to the Ministry of Health each year as a result of people getting thrown into balloons by water pistols that are loaded with liquids.
â–  During the holiday season, the Ministry of Interior records a high number of physical assault incidents that are caused by water and balloon flinging.


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