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Kuwait has Taken Away the Citizenship of Nine People, and one of them is an American Woman

The Kuwaiti government has approved the cancellation of Kuwaiti citizenship for nine people, including six men and three women, one of whom is an American woman. This decision came after a thorough review by the Supreme Committee for the Investigation of Kuwaiti Nationality, which found that these individuals obtained citizenship through fraud or were convicted by courts.

The American woman reportedly got citizenship in 2006, while another woman got it in 1967, and the rest got it at different times. With these recent decisions, more than 30 people have lost their Kuwaiti nationality in just one week. This shows the government’s commitment to following the law and fighting citizenship fraud.

The government is continuing to investigate more cases of fraudulent citizenship and will make more decisions soon. They’re determined to take legal action against those involved and keep the process transparent.

Also, the government talked about appointing new boards of directors in government agencies to speed up work and finish projects. They want to make sure any corruption is exposed, even if investigations are ongoing. They’re also looking into fake certificates issued since 2000 to ensure honesty and responsibility in government matters.

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