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Kuwait’s Amir Dissolves the Legislature by Decree

Citing the parliament’s constitutional violations, an Amiri decree dissolving the National Assembly was issued on Thursday. Citing Article 107 of the Constitution, the decree declared that the National Assembly had breached the Constitution by addressing His Highness the Amir with inappropriate language.

It further stated that this decree, which is in effect as of the moment of issuance, must be carried out by the Prime Minister, Ministers, and other relevant parties. Publication in the official Gazette is required.

According to Article 107, the Amir may dissolve the National Assembly by decree, providing a justification for the dissolution.

Prior to this, MP Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Kandari questioned Sheikh Fahad Yusuf Al-Sabah, the acting interior minister, minister of defense, and deputy prime minister over the opening of the visa for family joining.

“The State is keen on setting conditions and regulations by well-studied short and long-term plans aimed at attracting competent and expert foreign manpower, while combating the localization of ineffective or marginal workers and illegal over time,” the MP added in his query. This is predicated on the notion that stable families for foreign nationals serve as a safeguard against the loss of skills that the government need, as well as the requirement to offer psychological stability, which boosts productivity.

These choices were made following the establishment of plans and the completion of studies to regulate the demographic structure in order to predict the number of foreign nationals who will enter the nation and benefit from the subsidies granted by the government and the public services it offers, as well as the effect of all of this on the state budget and a study of the financial and economic returns judged advantageous for the nation.

The legislator posed the following questions in light of the aforementioned: (1) Has the Ministry of Interior studied the decision to allow family members to join? If so, kindly supply the following:
A. The anticipated influx of foreign nationals into the nation,

B. The anticipated expense to the State of providing health care, other public services, and subsidies.
C. What are the benefits of letting thus many foreigners into the nation?

D. Are there intentions to invest in them with the public treasury’s best interests in mind?

E. How does this decision affect the State’s plan to manage the distribution of workers and nationalities within the State’s demographic structure? If so, kindly send a copy of the research done in this area.
If not, why did the ministry decide to take this action without first undertaking a study?

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