MoH Passes Resolutions Pertaining to Radiation Safety

Based on the recommendations of the radiation prevention committee and the suggestions of the radiation prevention department of the public health sector, the minister of health, Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadi, has adopted three ministerial decisions on the use of ionizing radiation and the prevention of its risks.

The three choices are a part of the country’s efforts to maintain the safe and peaceful use of all radiation sources while also modernizing the legal framework for radiation protection, the ministry stated in a press release on Tuesday. She clarified that the regulation on the security of radioactive and nuclear sources was adopted as part of the first decision, noting that it establishes the fundamental guidelines for ensuring the safe and peaceful use of all radiation sources.

The minister noted that the decision included new regulatory issues for the first time because it uses the detection-delay mechanism to secure nuclear materials, addressing and managing security to prevent the possibility of nuclear and radioactive materials being removed without authorization.

He drew attention to the fact that the second ruling outlined the steps and paperwork needed for organizations working with ionizing or non-ionizing radiation sources to submit a license application. The goal of the decision is to streamline and shorten the licensing process for the use and placement of ionizing or non-ionizing radiation.

The ministry stated that in order to protect employees, the public, and the environment from the risks of electromagnetic field exposure resulting from non-ionizing rays of various spectra, the third decision included exposure limits and radiation safety standards to deal with non-ionizing radiation sources. This decision also paves the way for Kuwait to enter the field of communication networks. — KUNA


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