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More than 13,000 Alcohol Bottles Seen

At the port of Shuwaikh, the security authorities successfully intercepted a large shipment and seized an astounding 13,422 bottles of alcohol that were hidden within the cargo. At more than a million Kuwaiti dinars, this is the greatest seizure of imported alcohol this year.

Lieutenant General Sheikh Salem Al-Nawaf, the Acting Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior, Major General Hamid Al-Dawas, Brigadier General Muhammad Qabazard; and Sheikh Fahd Al-Yousef, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, and Acting Minister of the Interior, all closely monitored the operation. In order to carry out the seizure, their cooperation with the General Administration of Customs was essential.

Based on information received about an effort to smuggle a significant amount of liquor from an Asian nation under the guise of furniture, authorities moved quickly to work with customs officers to intercept the suspect container at Shuwaikh Port. After a thorough investigation by a combined task team made up of the port authorities and the criminal security sector, the hidden alcohol in the commercial shipment was found. Three people were involved in the smuggling operation, according to subsequent investigations. Promptly, the suspects and the confiscated items were turned over to the relevant authorities so that additional legal proceedings might ensue.

Lieutenant General Sheikh Salem Al-Nawaf and Sheikh Fahd Al-Yousef praised the security guards’ and customs officers’ devoted work in stopping attempts to smuggle and distribute alcohol in the neighborhood. They underlined the dedication of security personnel to preserving societal well-being by stressing the significance of vigilante monitoring and decisive action against traffickers and distributors of illegal substances.

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