As of February 22, 2024, over 90% of students were missing from schools in different educational regions, according to daily reports from Al-Seyassah. In keeping with the national holidays, some public schools used the day to recognize outstanding students, while others let kids out after third period so they could spend time with their families. This morning exceeded 90% in several places, making it the morning with the highest absentee rate in school history, according to educational sources.
Yesterday, instead of enforcing attendance regulations for all absent kids, several schools choose to concentrate on recognizing and praising exceptional pupils. As a result, in accordance with the educational rules, absences were not penalized with points. But instructions from schools to skip today’s celebrations of exceptional accomplishment meant that some children were left out, which added to the increase in absence. Compared to the usual morning rush hour traffic, the roads in front of schools looked oddly empty this morning. Because of the absence of students, traffic moved smoothly and without any major disruptions.
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