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Ramadan Will See no Scarcity of Australian Meet

According to Melissa Kelly, the Australian Ambassador to Kuwait, Kuwait and Australia are commemorating the 50th anniversary of the start of their diplomatic ties this year. She clarified that the festivities would be unique and would center primarily on the diplomatic efforts between the two nations, suggesting that the historic 1992 visit of Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to Australia will serve as a point of reflection.

“This was the first visit of its kind by a Kuwaiti ruler to Australia,” Ambassador Kelly stated during a press conference held the day before yesterday evening. I’m excited to see how many ministers from Kuwait visit Australia this year, as well as how many more visit Kuwait from Australia.Numerous items stand in for the essential strands that weave our collaboration together. Our collaboration in the areas of education, investment, and food security is made possible by a few names and individuals. Because of this, throughout 2024, the Australian embassy will promote the “50 Stories for 50 Years” campaign on its social media platforms.

Regarding Australia’s aim to gradually stop exporting live sheep by sea, she clarified that the Australian government had made this announcement in 2022 in answer to an inquiry. This will not start before mid-2025, during the present administration’s term, as the government will receive instructions on the specifics of the phasing-out from an independent committee.

As of yet, the committee has not issued a report. Kuwait is being closely consulted over the specifics of the export’s gradual cessation. Through cooperation with the Kuwaiti government, the livestock company, and the Kuwaiti Embassy in Australia, the ambassador reassured that Australia is dedicated to continuing to be the best partner for Kuwait to ensure its food security. He also added that there will be no shortage of Australian meat during Ramadan. She responded, “We have about 800 people working in various fields such as oil, education, and various other professions,” when questioned about the state of the Australian community in Kuwait. Some are married to Kuwaitis, some have lived in Kuwait for a long time, and some are residents with their families.

She responded, “Unfortunately, there are none at present,” when asked if there had been any discussions regarding removing the need for visas for Kuwaitis to enter Australia. We do not issue entrance visas through our embassy in Kuwait, but rather through our mission in Dubai, so visa applications must be completed online. In response to a question concerning the two nations’ military collaboration, the ambassador stated that Australia was involved in helping to free Kuwait from Iraqi invasion and expressed interest in the security of Kuwait and the Gulf area in general. She confirmed that the Australians are still cooperating, saying that there are currently no more than ten soldiers in Camp Arifjan—a figure that is subject to frequent fluctuation.

Ambassador Kelly emphasized that her nation is prepared to support Kuwait should the government so choose, while refuting the existence of any conversations between the two parties to finalize agreements to buy arms.

“At this time, our involvement in securing the Red Sea is restricted,” she stated. To guarantee military security for the region, we are collaborating with the governments of the Gulf states and Kuwait. The ambassador said, “According to official statistics, the amount of investment has reached about 30 billion Australian dollars,” in reference to the amount of Kuwaiti investments in her nation. But considering how hard it is to keep an eye on every Kuwaiti investment, I think the true worth is probably twice as high as that sum.

These investments cover a wide range of topics, including food security, wind energy, and solar energy. Regarding the quantity of Kuwaiti students enrolled in Australian universities, she mentioned that 400 of them are assiduously assimilated into Australian society. She further stated that despite their tiny numbers, these students play a significant role in bringing Australian culture to Kuwait.

The Australian ambassador, meantime, emphasized her nation’s stance on UNRWA funding and the situation in the Gaza Strip. “We are closely monitoring what is happening there,” she remarked. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of our nation stated as much, emphasizing the need of providing humanitarian aid and safeguarding people. Australia has raised its funding to UNRWA to over 46 million Australian dollars since October 7. Since it is the only UN agency with the ability to provide relief, we strive to cooperate with it. However, because of what transpired, financing has been suspended for the time being, as the dire situation in Gaza underscores the necessity of a diplomatic resolution to the war.

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