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Remittances From the Philippines to Kuwait Fall by 2%

Remittances from Filipino workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries increased by 4.32% annually in 2023 to reach $5.59 billion, up from $5.36 billion in 2022, according to statistics, as reported by Al-Seyassah daily.

Remittances from Filipino workers in Kuwait decreased by $12 million, or 2%, in 2023 to reach $585.1 million from $597.1 million in 2022, according to “Mubasher Information” statistics based on data from the Philippine Central Bank. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia led the growth with 5.90% of the remittances from the six countries that make up the Gulf Cooperation Council, while remittances from Kuwait decreased by roughly 2.01% annually. Saudi Arabia remained the country that received the greatest portion of these payments from the Gulf. The Kingdom of Bahrain topped the list with only $254.99 million in remittances, while Filipino workers remitted $2.06 billion.

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