
Security Checkpoints on Major Roadways are Back in Place

Following the directives of Lieutenant General Sheikh Salem Al-Nawaf, the Acting Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior, who emphasized the need to step up security and traffic enforcement across the country, law enforcement officials have been conducting extensive campaigns to capture lawbreakers and uphold public order.

Upholding traffic restrictions and taking decisive action against any threat to the nation’s security were the main goals. According to Al-Rai daily, the operations were carried out in several regions under the direction of Major General Abdullah Al-Rajaib, Assistant Undersecretary of Public Security; Major General Yousef Al-Khuda, Director of the General Traffic Department; and Brigadier General Fares Al-Qahtani, Director of the General Department of Rescue. The campaigns, which lasted six hours, from eleven at night until dawn, concentrated on important locations including Kairouan, Jaber Al-Ahmad, Saad Al-Abdullah, and the Second Ring Road.

In order to maintain a constant security presence and avoid any possible disturbances to the safety of residents and citizens, the strategy included the deployment of patrols and the construction of security checkpoints. Thirty people were arrested during the operations on charges of breaking residency restrictions, and more than twenty others were charged with drug use, abuse, and receiving prison sentences. Reckless drivers received 600 traffic infractions in all, and vehicles that were desired by the law were impounded.

Six cars that didn’t comply with security requirements were also blocked. Throughout the campaigns, security officers were strategically dispersed throughout the governorate of Jahra, with Public Security patrols patrolling the area and the General Department of Rescue and General Traffic Department working together in both Jahra and the capital. The “Rasid” device was important in helping authorities identify wanted people and infringers, speeding up the process and enabling them to quickly issue violations via the Sahl application. Security sources stressed that the goal of these efforts is to protect locals and people by serving as a disincentive to anyone thinking about taking any action that would compromise peace and order. The measures are in line with the Ministry of Interior’s senior leadership’s orders and are dedicated to upholding day-to-day activities in order to guarantee the general security of the nation.

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