
Three Foreigners Used Forged Permits to Enter a Restricted Region

According to a recent development, port authorities have opened investigations into three foreign nationals, all in their thirties, on suspicion of breaking into and aiding entry into a restricted area with a forged permit that was allegedly obtained from someone else. This information is reported by Abdullah Qunais. According to a security insider, two of the people who were detained were discovered to be in possession of fake permits as they were trying to enter, and the other person showed up with a permission that wasn’t actually registered in his name.

A third partner in the scam was discovered through further investigation, according to Al-Rai daily. The suspects admitted their involvement when questioned, and the first one revealed that he had gotten a permit from the third party to let the second person in for work. The trio’s cooperation was said to have been planned. Detectives’ follow-up inquiries verified the involvement of all three parties since the driver—who was recognized as the first invitee—had obtained the permit from the third party even though it belonged to an unaffiliated third party. The third accused had possession of the aforementioned permit. The case highlights the seriousness of security protocol violations and forgeries within Kuwaiti port facilities.

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