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Tragic Mangaf fire sparks urgent call for workers’ cities

In the wake of the tragic Mangaf fire that claimed the lives of several workers due to overcrowded living conditions, Kuwait is once again focusing on the issue of workers’ cities. This incident has reignited calls for urgent action to address the housing needs of bachelor expatriate workers and alleviate overcrowding in residential areas, reports Al-Anba Daily.

Various authorities have long stressed the need to establish workers’ cities to provide adequate living conditions, essential services, and recreational amenities for workers. Despite initial plans prepared by the Ministry of Public Works and other relevant agencies three years ago, progress has been slow, leaving the project in the preparatory stages.

The issue gained further attention during the COVID-19 pandemic when movement restrictions highlighted the challenges faced by workers residing in restricted areas. Authorities underscored the urgency of constructing workers’ cities, but momentum waned as the pandemic receded until the Mangaf fire refocused attention on the issue.

Plans for six integrated workers’ cities, equipped with healthcare, security, and recreational facilities, have been ready for years. These cities aim to relocate single workers from densely populated residential areas and enhance their living standards. Despite designated sites and capacities in various governorates, actual construction has not commenced.

Recently, Kuwait Municipality announced the initiation of the first labor city project in South Jahra, spanning over 1,015,000 square meters. This project, set for public-private partnership investment, will accommodate up to 20,000 bachelor workers from diverse nationalities. It will include residential complexes alongside essential services such as shops, mosques, playgrounds, and medical clinics.

The establishment of workers’ cities is crucial for providing adequate housing, easing traffic congestion in residential areas, and enhancing overall public services. With the urgency underscored by recent events, Kuwait is urged to expedite the implementation of workers’ cities to safeguard the welfare and safety of its expatriate workforce.

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