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“We’re thinking about letting go of employees who’ve been here for 38 years.”

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) had a meeting last Thursday to talk about the extra payments and rewards for workers in certain government offices. Deputy Prime Minister Sharida Al-Maousherji led the meeting. They also discussed bonuses and moving money between different parts of the budget. They’re planning to make decisions before the end of the month when they close the budget for 2023/2024.

The CSC is thinking about asking some employees to retire because they’ve been working for 38 years, which is longer than the retirement age. The CSC is responsible for making sure rules and regulations are followed in government offices. Some employees have served for 38, 31, 32, 33, 34, or 35 years. Some of them have special skills or education, so they might keep working even if they’ve reached retirement age. However, those who’ve worked longer than they should will be asked to retire.

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