On Thursday, February 1, 2024, two distinct traffic incidents happened on Al-Mutlaa Road and the Fifth Ring Road across from Jabriya. This unfortunate event resulted in one fatality and five injuries. Two cases were reported to the police in connection with these incidents.
A security source said that they received a report of an accident that happened on Al-Mutlaa Road. Investigation revealed that two automobiles were involved in the collision, one of which caught fire. Regretfully, one person perished in the flaming collision, and three more were hurt and sent to Jahra Hospital for immediate medical attention.
Concurrently, there was another accident on the Fifth Ring Road across from Jabriya that resulted in considerable damage to a car with one person being hurt. In reaction to these occurrences, the General Fire Force moved quickly to control the impact debris.
The specifics of the accident circumstances and the injuries sustained by the individuals involved have not yet been made public. The authorities are probably looking at these terrible instances more to find out why they happened.
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