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AI is “helpful” in Addressing Medical Issues, According to Kuwait’s Health Minister

Health Minister Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadhi stressed the critical role that artificial intelligence (AI) and digital medicine will play in transforming healthcare systems and tackling today’s medical issues in a major speech on Tuesday. Dr. Al-Awadhi stressed that the tremendous improvements in AI applications, especially in the medical field, signify a deep shift that might greatly improve people’s quality of life.

The minister spoke during the opening of the 16th international conference of the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences (IOMS), which is supported by Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the Amir of His Highness. In addition to offering a forum for scientific and technical discussion, the conference allows attendees to consider the moral consequences of directing technology in the context of humanitarian aid and in line with the principles of Islamic Sharia (law).

According to Dr. Al-Awadhi, the enormous potential of AI will be vital in improving public health and protecting human financial resources. But he also released a warning, admitting that the World Health Organization and AI specialists have cautioned of possible risks connected with AI, including as unethical use and dangers to security and peace.

In addition to highlighting the Islamic Organization’s prominence in the global society and its function as the principal source of religious decrees, Dr. Al-Awadhi emphasized the significance of ethical issues while implementing AI in the medical domain.

The chairwoman of IOMS, Dr. Mohammad Al-Jarallah, shared these views and mentioned the World Health Organization’s recognition of AI’s importance in revolutionizing clinical and preventative medicine. He emphasized the critical role that AI would play in modernizing health systems in a number of areas, such as workforce development, public health improvement, governance, management, financial transparency, and the battle against developing epidemics.

Dr. Al-Jarallah underlined the conference’s special importance in that it brought together IT specialists and medical advisors to discuss how to integrate digital health with Islamic Sharia. He did, however, also draw attention to the global concerns about AI, drawing comparisons between its potential benefits and drawbacks with those of nuclear power.

Dr. Salama Daoud, the dean of Al-Azhar University, issued a warning against the haphazard application of AI in medicine, highlighting the dangers of violating patients’ rights and their exploitation by for-profit companies. He supported the creation of an ethical code to regulate AI’s application in the medical industry.

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