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Expert Personnel’s services at Education Ministries are Terminated by Civil Service

The Civil Service Commission has officially informed Dr. Adel Al-Adwani, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the Minister of Education that all employees will no longer be able to use their knowledge. The commission states that these people’s last day of employment will be this month’s 31st.

The correspondence, which was sent as an official letter, made reference to the Ministry’s founding decree, Decree No. (1) of 2024. The letter instructed the ministries to carry out the decree’s requirements. “Your Excellency is kindly requested to instruct those necessary to work on the following regarding Decree No. (1) of 2024 forming the Ministry: Ending the use of the expertise of all whose expertise is sought, whether retirees or non-retirees whose expertise is sought outside official working hours in their original workplaces by His Excellency the former Minister working in the entities affiliated with Your Excellency,” the statement reads. The deadline for requesting assistance from the knowledge of those mentioned in the preceding item is 1/31/2024 at the latest.

This instruction denotes a substantial shift in the workers’ job status, stressing the need to stop using their skills in the designated roles by the deadline.


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