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Kuwait Airways Wants to Offer more Reasonably Priced Flying Options

Sources verified to Al-Seyassah daily that Kuwait Airways’ Board of Directors is purportedly examining a decrease in flight costs and related reservation modification fees in response to growing grievances and as an attempt to strengthen its competitive edge. This possible change could occur as a result of worries that rival airlines are taking advantage of Kuwait Airways’ relatively higher ticket costs.

Since its establishment in September of the previous year, the Board has been tasked with revamping a number of Kuwait Airways’ operations in order to strengthen the airline’s standing as the nation’s primary carrier and satisfy the changing needs of its wide range of patrons. The airline is emphasizing operational and service upgrades as part of this all-encompassing approach.

According to sources, Kuwait Airways has set high goals, one of which is to boost passenger volume to 5.5 million by 2025. In addition, the airline intends to significantly increase the size of its fleet, aiming to increase from its present 33 aircraft to a robust 50 by 2030.

Kuwait Airways is dedicated to being competitive and flexible in the aviation industry, as seen by the planned changes to price and reservation fees. These prospective adjustments are intended to establish Kuwait Airways as a flexible and customer-focused participant in the ever-changing aviation industry, as the airline strives to achieve a balance between customer pleasure and operational efficiency.

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