In a distressing incident in Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate, a child suffered a severe injury resulting in partial finger amputation while at a nursery. Allegations of negligence are directed towards the nursery guardians and the individual responsible for supervising the children. The incident was reported when a concerned citizen informed security authorities about the child’s injury. According to reports, the child sustained the injury during playtime at the nursery.
The father rushed his injured child to a nearby clinic, where he found him in distress and bleeding from his hand. Upon arrival at the hospital, medical professionals discovered part of the child’s finger had been amputated.
In a shocking turn, when the doctor requested the amputated part for examination, it was revealed that the nursery staff had mistakenly disposed of it, believing it to be congealed blood.
Expressing outrage at the nursery’s negligence, the father holds them responsible for failing to address the medical emergency promptly.
Legal action is being pursued against the nursery and individuals involved in the child’s supervision, highlighting the importance of vigilance and immediate action to ensure the safety of children in institutional care.
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