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On the Frst day, More than 1,000 People Request for Visitation Permits in Kuwait’s Governorates

According to a security source, the residence affairs departments in each of Kuwait’s six governorates received a substantial surge of visitors—roughly 1,000 people. On the first day of the visitation process, several of these tourists applied for visit permits for their families and made appointments via the “Meta” website.

People were expected to fill out the relevant paperwork and provide round-trip tickets when they visited. In addition, documents like birth certificates or marriage contracts, for individuals requesting parent visits, were to be approved by the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry and verified by the authorities of their home countries, the Kuwaiti embassy, and the Kuwaiti consulate.

The source made it clear that only people with approved documentation could attach their Jazeera Airways and Kuwait Airways airline tickets. In addition, guests had to sign a promise promising not to stay longer than the allotted time, following health precautions, and, if needed, getting medical attention from private health clinics.

To find out if a person from a prohibited country was eligible for family visits, they had to go to the General Administration of Residence Affairs in the Dajeej area.

The source states that while tourist visits are three months long and may be scheduled online, family and business visits are only allowed to last one month and are not renewable.

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