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Preserving Kuwait Bay: Immediate Call to Kuwaitis and Foreigners to Resist Pollution

Following the announcement by the Municipal Council that “the new committee has initial approval to establish a sea bridge linking the Mutla’a City to Kuwait City via the Kuwait Bay,” the Kuwait Society for Environmental Protection (KSEP) offered comments. Responding to the Municipal Council’s request, the organization released a press release yesterday urging interested parties to step up their efforts to solve Kuwait Bay’s pollution as well as the issues pertaining to its protection and cleanliness.

In order to preserve and protect Kuwait Bay, its components, and its natural and environmental habitats, it called on citizens, residents, and all interested parties to engage positively with its “Kuwait Bay Life” initiative, which it launched in 2016. Kuwait Bay is significant economically for drinking water and desalination plants, in addition to its coastal, beach, recreational, and commercial importance. “The importance of Kuwait Bay lies in its being an economic, environmental, natural, ecological, and geographical area for the State of Kuwait,” stated the Kuwait Society for Environmental Protection. Above all, it is designated as an area and environment of a unique kind under the Environmental Protection Law. It is the second-largest fish pond in the world and is said to serve as a meeting place for the terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

Due to its warm environment, accessibility to food and water, and suitability for shrimp spawning and nidification, it is also regarded as a safe haven for migratory birds. It appears that we are in desperate need of a reminder of the objectives of this campaign and initiative to always remember the environmental crisis. There cannot be any structural barriers in this little area due to the slow motion of the Bay’s currents. This will have an impact on Kuwait Bay’s water circulation and renewal, which will have an impact on the buildup of heavy metals and nutrient levels in the water column, ultimately impacting the fish population. The group clarified that Kuwait Bay’s abundant fish populations, which are a vital resource for the nation’s food security, are the main justification for its preservation and protection.

To address the issue, national actions are required, the most important of which is the formation of a national committee. Articles 108, 109, and 110 of the Environmental Protection Law, Chapter Three (Biological Diversity), and representatives of the pertinent and concerned parties shall also be included. The Kuwait Society for Environmental Protection declared, “Maybe the most significant point is that no project may be started inside the city without the Supreme Council for the Environment’s approval, as per Articles 108 and 110 of the Environmental Protection Law No. 42/2014 amended by Law No. 99/2015.

Since the council has not yet been established and its operations have been put on hold for some time, this is not yet available. Because the decision is tied to its recommendation on the project’s impact on Kuwait Bay, the Supreme Council for the Environment cannot decide whether to approve or not until it receives research about the environmental impact and the Environment Public Authority’s view. The Kuwait Society for Environmental Protection emphasized in its statement how crucial it is to preserve Kuwait City. Because of its economic, environmental, natural, biological, and geographic significance to Kuwait, it underlined the significance of sustainable engagement with individual, collective, and institutional responsibilities towards it, and taking into account the interest of future generations.

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